R7011 - 1.3, should be 9.31K, it also has ground both sides so shows this is gone I think?.Reading other forums it seems it could be a problem around the U7000 chip and the resistors for battery sensing etc.

I have a copy of the Apple service manual and also open board so I can find the relevant resistance values etc. I have swapped the DC board to see if that might be the problem. I purchased a 3rd battery to double check, the laptop ran fine from the battery but would not charge it. I replaced the battery with a newer one as the stock one was near the end of its life and said service battery, I suspect the battery i purchased although claimed it was genuine OEM damaged the Logic board. The system can run from a battery that holds charge, it just does not charge it. The MagSafe charger light does not change color when plugging in (with battery connected). The laptop can run from mains power alone (disconnect battery and power on) The MagSafe charger light goes Green when plugged in. I purchased a 2nd hand MacBook Pro 2011 A1278 about 8 months ago.Įverything worked fine with the laptop for months, about 2 months ago the laptop suddenly stopped charging the battery.